Xtreme DDoS Bot v 1.0 (IRC_bot)
Settings :$server=""; <= Server IP address$Port="6667"; <= Connect Port$nick="bot-";$willekeurig; <=nick of bot)$willekeurig=mt_rand(0,3); //random for nick stub$nicknummer=mt_rand(100000,999999); <= number of nick stub$Channel="#WauShare"; <= Channel to Connect$Channelpass="ddos"; <= Channel passwd$msg="Farewell."; <= Our message (=Usage :- Open MIRC (download from: mirc.com)- download xtreme_ddos.php on u'r web server- Bot connect # yourchannel- PM say "DDoS-UDP IPHERE"- Enjoy (;Pastebin Link:
©2011, copyright BLACK BURN
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